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CO Insurance Specialist

6990 W. 38th Ave. #200
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

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Getting Your Car Ready for Cold Weather

It’s not too early to start getting your car ready for winter. In fact, when you plan ahead and start working on car preps ahead of time, you make the task more manageable and less stressful. So with that in mind, check out these tips from CO Insurance Specialist serving Wheat Ridge, CO.

Consider snow tires

Not all cars in snowy climates have snow tires, but some indeed do. Consider adding snow tires if your home is in an area of very large amounts of snow.

Check windshield wiper blades

Being able to see really clearly while driving during winter is absolutely essential. You need great visibility, so replace your windshield wiper blades if needed. Test them out afterwards to make sure they’re working great.

Add windshield wiper fluid

It might seem minor, but adding windshield wiper fluid is really not minor. Keeping the windshield clean can make a huge difference in your visibility while driving.

Check tires

With tires, the first step is a professional inspection. So have a qualified professional inspect the tires and let you know whether to replace any of them.

Place safety kit in car

You need to keep an emergency kit with you in your vehicle  at all times. Put safety items like flashlights, snacks, extra blankets and bottled water in your emergency kit.

Have antifreeze on hand

Keep antifreeze on hand to use as needed. Use antifreeze with caution and only if necessary. Keep it away from all pets.

By being organized and methodical, you can get your car ready to keep you safe and warm all winter long. So complete these steps right away.

Special Coverage For A Special Car

When you drive a classic car, you tend to want to give it special care in every way possible. You don’t just take it to any old mechanic. If you can’t find an expert in Wheat Ridge, CO, you’re not above driving your car to the next town over to meet with someone who specializes in classic cars. You don’t just take it to the car wash, you scrub it down by hand and dry it with a chamois to keep it from streaking.

The same goes for your insurance, but here’s what a lot of people don’t know: Classic car insurance tends to be cheaper.

Obviously, there are a lot of factors that play into this. A classic car owner with a bad driving record is going to pay more. A classic car worth six figures is probably going to cost more to insure than a standard vehicle. But classic cars tend to be cheaper to insure, despite their special maintenance needs and value, primarily because classic car owners can be trusted to take excellent care of their cars. Someone who drives a classic Mustang isn’t just getting from point A to point B, their car is their hobby, their passion, they love driving and they’re going to take much better care of their car, on average, than someone driving a 2016 SUV.

Of course, to get a good deal, you need to get covered by an insurer that specializes in classic autos. A standard insurer is likely to treat your classic car like any other. CO Insurance Specialist knows what goes into owning and driving a classic car, and what goes into insuring it, so get in touch and see what we can do for you.

Understanding Condo Insurance

Condo insurance is different from home insurance for a detached single-family home because there may be shared walls, floors, ceilings, and common areas. To make sure you have adequate condo insurance, it is important to know what part of the facilities are the building’s responsibility and who is responsible if something goes wrong.

Get a Condo Insurance Review

The easy way to figure this out is to get a copy of any master insurance for the property from the facility management. Keep a copy for yourself and make another one to give a copy of this policy to your insurance agent at CO Insurance Specialist serving Wheat Ridge, CO and the nearby area.

If there is a condo owners’ association (COA) and some rules published by them, give a copy of the rules to your insurance agent as well.

Your agent will then do an insurance review and evaluation to be able to make recommendations of the condo insurance needed for adequate protection for the condo itself.

Make an Inventory of Personal Property

Not only will you want to insure the condo, but you will also want to get replacement cost coverage for its contents. Make a list of all the personal property you have. Include model numbers and the cost paid for the items. If you have receipts, make copies of these for your insurance agent.

Make a videotape and record yourself describing all the items as you walk around the condo. Be sure to videotape everything and zoom in to get a close up of all the items. Give a copy of the video to your insurance agent.

Update Condo Insurance as Needed

If anything changes substantially, such as you buy an expensive item, call your agent to inform them about the change.  At least once each year have another insurance review to make sure the coverage remains at the proper level.

To get a quote for condo insurance contact your agent at CO Insurance Specialist in Wheat Ridge, CO today.

Keeping your brakes maintained will prevent accidents

Your brakes are one of the most important parts of your vehicle for driver safety. Brake failure can cause a horrendous collision with the vehicle in front of you. Such an accident can total your car and cause either severe injury or even death.

CO Insurance Specialist, serving Wheat Ridge, CO, has a few tips to make sure your brakes keep operating the way they are supposed to.

Your brakes will be checked as part of your scheduled maintenance. It, therefore, behooves you to take your vehicle to a reputable garage to get it checked out according to the schedule set out in your owner’s manual.

In between scheduled maintenance, it is a good idea to be alert for signs of impending brake failure. If your brake light comes on while you’re behind the wheel, you need to pull over immediately and call your auto club to get a tow to the mechanic you use for maintenance.

Strange noises coming from the wheels, such as scraping, squealing, squeaking are good signs that you need your brakes looked at and repaired. If your vehicle vibrates or wobbles when you brake, you need to take your vehicle in at the first opportunity.

If you notice leaking brake fluid on the wheels or the pavement of your driveway, brake failure will happen very soon.

Other signs include the brake pedal feeling soft or spongy, the vehicle pulling to one side, or bouncing during a hard stop. A burning smell could mean brake failure, along with a lot of other things that you need to get looked at right away.

For more information on auto safety and auto insurance, please contact CO Insurance Specialist, serving Wheat Ridge, CO.

How Flexible is Your Classic Car Insurance?

Your classic car likely brings you a lot of joy. Even other drivers and passengers in their cars will turn their heads and have a happy moment when they see you drive by. The feel of the leather seats, the sound of the old and well-kept engine, stepping back to a simpler time. The reasons for enjoying a classic car can go on and on. There may be even more when it comes to classic car insurance with CO Insurance Specialist. We serve classic car enthusiasts in Wheat Ridge CO and the rest of the state. 

What Should You Ask When It Comes to Your Classic Car Insurance? 

  • Are There Mileage Limits? Ask this question to protect yourself if you drive your classic car often. Sometimes there are no limits, but there can be a limit on the mileage you can put on your car and still have classic car insurance to protect it. 
  • Can You Save Money If It is Not Your Daily Driver? The answer is likely yes, but be sure to check and find out about possible savings and driving limitations. 
  • What is The Difference in Agreed and Stated Value?  You and your insurer will need to come to an agreement about the car’s value in order to have classic car insurance. With a new vehicle, this is easy as looking up the stated value, but classic car values can vary greatly. 
  • Can my Race Car Qualify for Classic Car Insurance? Maybe, but you will need to agree to any limitations and your car will have to qualify by age and other factors. Be sure to ask our agent. 

Contact us at CO Insurance Specialist to find out how we can save you on classic car insurance in Wheat Ridge, CO. 

Should I call the police if I’m in an accident?

What to Do If You’re In an Accident In Colorado

Drivers in Wheat Ridge, CO have to follow certain legal requirements, such as carrying a minimum required amount of automobile insurance. Even the most careful driver may be involved in an accident, and if you do, the first thing you should do is stop in the safest, closest place possible. You may need to move out of a travel lane, or even to a safer place like a police station if you are in a dangerous area.

One of your most important duties at the scene of an accident is to exchange information with the other driver or drivers. You need to provide your contact information, including your full name and address, and your registration and insurance information. A requirement Colorado has which most states don’t is that it requires anyone involved in an accident to file a report.

Collecting Information

You also need to get that information from the other driver. Besides fulfilling your legal requirements, you need to collect as much other information as possible about the crash. You should take pictures and get any witnesses’ information if there are any. If there is a lawsuit later, you need to have as much information as possible about what happened. 

Calling the Police

You are only required to call the police after an accident if someone is injured, if the accident caused damage to public property, or if the accident involves a crime like hit-and-run or operating under the influence. You can call your agent at CO Insurance Specialist to discuss what is happening too.

You will be safer calling the police after an accident, though, because the responding officer will be another witness who collects information. You can’t always trust the other drivers, so it’s better to protect yourself. If you live in Wheat Ridge, CO and have any questions about what happens after an accident, or if you want to discuss your policy, feel free to call CO Insurance Specialist today.

Important Information for Classic Car Owners Who Store Their Vehicle at a Storage Facility

Are you a classic car enthusiast? If you have worked on restoring a car, or have invested in a classic car, you understand that in most cases these vehicles are both an investment and a hobby. Many of the classic car owners in the greater Wheat Ridge, CO area store their classic cars in temperature-controlled storage facilities away from their homes. The team at CO Insurance Specialist can help you navigate the insurance process in such instances where your car is not kept at your primary residence. 

Is your classic car at a storage unit?

When your car is kept at a location outside of your primary residence, your insurance needs may be different than you think. Classic cars represent a significant investment in both time and money, and it is important that you have the protection you need. If your car stays mainly in a garage and you take it out to classic car shows in the summer, your coverage needs will be different than someone who uses their classic car on a more frequent basis. It is important to review your policy for coverage levels and protection that is in line with your usage. Storage facilities that are away from your home, can require a separate policy in some cases. Whatever your usage levels are, wouldn’t it be nice to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are protected?

Do you want to make sure that your beloved classic car or cars have adequate insurance, no matter where they are? The team at CO Insurance Specialist is here to answer your questions and provide you with information pertaining to your classic car insurance options in the greater Wheat Ridge, CO area.

Top Seven Tips to Car Care

Top Seven Tips to Car Care

Your vehicle is your investment, and you want to keep it on the road and as long-lasting as possible.  If you live in the Wheat Ridge, CO area, you know that the extreme weather can take a toll on your vehicle.  Here are some tips to help take care of your car.

1.    Check the oil on a regular basis and have the oil and oil filter changed as indicated. 

2.    Have the cooling system flushed and the coolant changed annually to prevent corrosion and deposits from forming in the system.

3.    Refer to the owner’s manual for service intervals for the transmission and differential oils.  If you are a do-it-yourselfer, be sure to use the proper oil type and viscosity.

4.    Keep your vehicle clean, which can seem unnecessary, but it’s important to keep the underside clean and to get the winter road salt or chemicals off the car.  To maintain the paint job, it’s best to wax it every six months.

5.    Protect the interior plastic and vinyl parts by parking in the shade when possible, using a sun visor, and applying protectant to keep it from drying out.

6.    The driveline and all moving parts need lubrication to function properly and maintain their life.

7.    Brake fluid attracts moisture, and that means it can lead to corrosion and brake failure.  It’s best to bleed the system and replace the fluid once a year. 

CO Insurance Specialist

For over 30 years, CO Insurance Specialist have been helping people in the Wheat Ridge, CO area with insurance needs.  When it comes to auto insurance, we have the experience and expertise to help you find the right policy to fit your needs.  Contact an Insurance Specialist agent today.

What is the difference between classic car insurance and regular auto insurance?

Everyone knows what auto insurance is. The buyer insures a vehicle in the event of an accident or other mishaps against damages, not only to the vehicle he or she owns but also to other vehicles involved in the mishap if the owner is found to be at fault. An auto insurance policy also covers property damage, medical expenses, and legal liability. Owners receive a settlement for the damaged car or its replacement value minus the depreciation, depending on the model, make, and year.

But what about a classic car, like a decades-old sports car or a rare, luxury vehicle like a Bentley or Rolls Royce? As CO Insurance Specialist, serving Wheat Ridge, CO would like to explain, a classic car is treated like any other luxury item, like jewels or furs. Classic car insurance thus covers an agreed-upon value of the vehicle. Generally, that value is assessed by a respected appraiser and listed in a guide book that lists classic cars.

The insured classic car should be in good condition. If the car is totaled in a wreck or an accident like a garage fire or is stolen and not recovered, the policy will pay for the full appraised cost of the vehicle.

Why should you get classic car insurance? A classic car represents a considerable investment, both in time and money. Owners of classic cars also enjoy keeping them running and in mint condition. A classic car insurance policy protects the investment and insures that the owner can at least have enough money to replace the item if the worst happens.

For more questions on classic car insurance, feel free to contact CO Insurance Specialist, serving Wheat Ridge, CO.

What You Need to Know About Adding Teens to Your Insurance

Having a teen driver in the house can be cause for anxiety for a lot of parents. This is new territory and can feel intimidating. However, by taking certain steps you can make this transitional time less stressful. It is important to make sure you have all of your bases covered, however. Keep reading to learn more about adding teen drivers to your insurance.

How Can I Keep My Teen Safe?

The most critical question in parents’ minds is how to keep their teen safe while driving. First, have open honest talks about texting and driving. It is so important for teens to understand that texting and driving is not allowed, ever. Next, make sure your teen participates in a driver’s ed program. These programs are very effective at producing safer drivers. Next, stay involved. Work patiently with your teen while they are learning to drive. Do not stress them out with your anxiety. Relax. 

When To Add My Teen To My Insurance

You will need to talk to your insurance provider to learn exactly when you will need to add your new teen driver to your policy. Be prepared for a change in your rates. This is unavoidable. There are ways to get discounts, however. Some providers make discounts for good grades, and of course explain to your teen that in order to keep insurance costs low, they must avoid unsafe driving practices and accidents. 

Set Clear Consequences

If your teen does not abide by safety rules and family rules, then there should be clear consequences in place. This will help your teen understand just how serious driving is, and how expensive it can get when you are not careful. 

If you would like to learn more about adding a teen to your auto insurance contact our friendly staff at CO Insurance Specialist in Wheat Ridge, CO. 

Insurance Partners
  • Allied
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • CNA
  • Hagerty
  • Hartford
  • Infinity
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Secura
  • State Auto
  • Travelers