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CO Insurance Specialist

6990 W. 38th Ave. #200
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

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Motorcycle Deer Season Tips for Wheat Ridge Riders

Motorcycles riders in Wheat Ridge, Colorado are used to the large amounts of wildlife in their area and have learned to be wary on the road, as this can result in an accident that causes damage and minor injury at the very least, if not worse. However, deer season is an especially dangerous time, where herds of deer are prone to mindlessly cross roads directly in front of motorcyclists. If you hit one, it could mean serious injury or death, so here are some tips for motorcyclists when riding during deer season in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Spread Out When Riding in a Group

Motorcyclists often enjoy riding close together on the road. Don’t do this during deer season, as one of you may hit a deer or stop short to avoid hitting a deer, which will cause all of you to crash together and cause a painful, costly and dangerous accident.

Have Proper Insurance 

While it’s not inevitable, there is a higher likelihood you will hit a deer during this time of year. So make sure you have good insurance for yourself and your bike. CO Insurance Specialist can help find you a policy that works for your needs, as they serve the greater Wheat Ridge, CO area.

Wear a Helmet

Even though it is Colorado law to at least wear a partial helmet, many motorcycle riders break the rules, because that’s part of riding a motorcycle. Yet if you hit a deer without a helmet, you’re most likely going to be badly injured if not killed.

One Deer Often Means Many More 

Where there is one there are often others following, so keep this in mind when you see a deer a ways up in front of you.

Also, not speeding allows you to stop more quickly and have better control of your motorcycle. Just be mindful of this during deer season because you may have to stop at any time.

Contact one of our independent insurance agents at CO Insurance Specialists and let us help you find the right coverage for you.

Do You Have These 5 Things If The Power Goes Out?

As soon as the power goes out in your Wheat Ridge home, you want to have the satisfaction of knowing that you are prepared. You don’t know how long the powers going to off, so it is best to have quite a few things on hand.

These five things are going to help you dramatically.

A grill can be used to heat water for sanitation and for purification as well as to cook foods so that you can keep everyone sustained four hours or even days.

Flashlights should be kept on hand so that you can see in the dark – and you want to make sure to have plenty of backup batteries as well.

Frozen water Bottles
Frozen water bottles can be created ahead of time. These can then be placed into the freezer as a way of keeping all of the food colder for longer. You may be able to get several hours extra out of all of the food so that it doesn’t get discarded once the power goes out.

You should have plenty of blankets, and this is to help keep you warm. Especially when the power goes out in the wintertime, you won’t have central heat and therefore you need to think about ways to stay warm. You can also use blankets around all of the doors and windows in order to reduce the draft.

Board Games
It’s a good idea to have board games so that everyone can stay entertained until the power comes back on. Whether you have kids or not, people can grow restless when there is no TV to turn on, no tablets to play on, or anything else.

Call CO Insurance Specialist today to learn more about homeowners insurance and how you can protect yourself throughout the year, even when the power goes out.



Wheat Ridge Home Insurance For A Business

Having a home-based business in Wheat Ridge means knowing all about the kind of insurance that you need. Your standard homeowner’s insurance policy is not going to cut it. Various forms of coverage can be added to protect the various aspects of your business that is based inside your home.

It’s important to have home insurance that is going to protect all of the details. You don’t want to be sued by a client because they injured themselves on your property and you don’t want to be sued by an employee because of wrongful termination. Coverage can be added to provide financial protection against all of these – and much more.

Consider what goes on within your business.

  • Do you have clients visit you?
  • Have you hired employees?
  • Do you carry a significant amount of inventory stored within your home?
  • Do you keep important data on your computer?

Knowing the answers to all of these will make it easier for an insurance agent to guide you through the various options available to you as a homeowner and business owner.

Business property coverage is perhaps the most common form of business insurance and can protect against loss for merchandise, computers, and other business related property.

General liability coverage can protect if there is a lawsuit filed against your business, such as through a claim of negligence or someone becoming injured on your property.

You may need additional coverage as well, ranging from their compromise coverage to employment practices liability coverage. Everything is very dependent upon the type of business you have and what takes place in your home.

Call us at CO Insurance Specialist today. We are here to help you find homeowners insurance it also works for your business. Our agents are here to help you every step of the way.



Getting Your Car Ready For Fall

Fall car care is critical. As the months get colder, your car needs to be well-maintained. There are some things you can do in Colorado in order to get ready. This will provide peace of mind as you drive.

Your tires need to be checked. This includes the tread depth as well as the tire pressure. It is a good idea to keep a gauge in your glove box so that you can check the PSI from time to time. You may also want to consider winter tires so you are better prepared to handle driving on icy roads.

You should take the time to schedule an appointment with a local mechanic. This gives you the chance to have your brakes checked, your battery checked, as well as your HVAC system checked. You want to make sure that you are comfortable driving and therefore your heating system needs to be checked. While they are doing this, be sure that the defroster is working properly. It may also be a good time to have the air cabin filter replaced as well.

You will want your battery checked for corrosion and connections while at the mechanic, too. If it has been a while since it has been replaced, you may want to go ahead and do this. Winter months can be especially rough on batteries. While you are replacing things, your wiper blades should also be replaced.

Speak with your mechanic to find out about any other suggestions so that your car is prepared for the cold months ahead.

Agents at CO Insurance Specialist are prepared to help you find a policy in Wheat Ridge that makes sense for your budget and your car. Call now and let us begin searching for quotes and answering any questions you may have about a policy.


3 Ways to Save Money When Going on a Road Trip from Wheat Ridge, CO

At this time of year, we at CO Insurance Specialist see many drivers take off from Wheat Ridge, CO on road trips. The fall season, while the trees are turning and before snow starts falling, is a wonderful time to drive through Colorado’s mountains. If you’re planning such an adventure, we’ve compiled a few tips for saving money. Perhaps you can use them to keep a little extra cash in your pocket.

Saving on a Road Trip

Reducing your fuel expenses is one of the best ways of lowering a road trip’s cost. You won’t be able to completely eliminate the need for gasoline, but you can greatly reduce how much you pay at the pump by:

  • not driving faster than the speed limit

  • taking the most fuel-efficient vehicle you own

  • emptying your vehicle of any unnecessary items that add weight

The amount that these tips save you will depend on current fuel prices and how far you plan to drive. Even if you’re only going for a day’s jaunt into the mountains, though, these suggestions will save you at least some money.

Saving on Auto Insurance

Another way to reduce your auto expenses is to purchase insurance through an independent agent. Shopping around for the most affordable insurance available to you won’t directly reduce the cost of a road trip, but it will lower your monthly auto-related costs.

If you don’t have an independent insurance agent who can compare policies for you contact us. You can reach us through our website. We have multiple auto insurance agents who would be happy to help you see whether you can reduce your auto insurance premiums by changing carriers.


Stuck Inside? 4 Fun Winter Activities for Children

Keeping the kids occupied when you are stuck inside due to winter weather can be tough. Thankfully, there are a few super fun activities you can do to help the time pass more quickly. Here are four to consider.

#1: Board Games

Board games are a great way to fill up the day when you’re stuck inside. But what about having your kids create their own versions? Give them construction paper, crayons, markers, and other art supplies. Have them work together to come up with game rules, draw the board, and make tiles, tokens, and other small pieces. Play the finished game together as a group.

#2: Get Dancing

Another easy way to beat winter break boredom is by having your very own dance party. All you have to do is turn on a few of your favorite tunes and get moving. Whether your kids have professional dance lessons to thank for their awesome groove ability or take a more abstract approach, they will have tons of fun. (And burn off some of that pent up energy!)

#3: Cook a Favorite Meal

It is no secret that kids love helping out in the kitchen. On a winter day, why not have your children help you cook a favorite meal? Not only will they learn by watching you work through the recipe, they’ll enjoy trying their finished creation. Even something as simple as homemade macaroni and cheese is fun to prepare for little ones, so getting fancy is purely optional. However, remember to supervise any activities that involve sharp objects, a stove, the oven, etc. for added safety.

#4: Dress Up

Beat winter day boredom by playing dress up. Break out any leftover Halloween costumes, silly hats, or other clothing apparel pieces. Transform your child’s look into something fun with cosmetics. Or even make your own masks out of construction paper. The possibilities and fun are nearly endless!

Make Sure Your Family is Prepared for the Unexpected

While keeping your kids occupied on a winter day is important, making sure you have adequate homeowner’s insurance coverage is even more vital. Please contact our team at CO Insurance Specialist today for more information.

Make Sure Everything in Your Wheat Ridge, CO Apartment is Insured

Many tenants who have renters insurance get it in order to protect their precious possessions. While renters insurance can’t prevent a tragedy from happening, it can help you recover from an accident by reimbursing you for the loss of your belongings in a covered incident. If you’re expecting your renters insurance policy to help you purchase items after a covered incident, though, you should make sure that all of your belongings are covered by your policy.

Renters Insurance Policies Have Exclusions

The portion of a renters insurance policy that covers personal belongings is called personal property coverage. Every policy’s personal property coverage, like all coverage, has exclusions. Exclusions are policy-specific, but some examples of potentially excluded items include:

  • electronics
  • jewelry
  • weapons
  • collectibles
  • artwork

Some policies either don’t provide coverage for these items, thus excluding them, or only provide limited protection. If you own anything of these things, you should confirm that your policy provides coverage for them.

Ask an Insurance Agent to Check

Understanding the jargon that determines a personal property coverage’s exclusions and limitations can be challenging. If you need help understanding the language of your insurance policy, contact one of our renters insurance agents.

At CO Insurance Specialist, LLC we have independent insurance agents who are able to review any renters insurance policy in Colorado. They can help you determine whether your belongings are fully insured by your renters insurance policy’s personal property coverage. If you aren’t, they can also look for a policy that doesn’t exclude the items you own.

You can speak with an agent over the phone or contact us through email. If you’d prefer to reach an agent via email, simply send them a message through our website. At CO Insurance Specialist, LLC, we’ve served many renters ins Wheat Ridge, CO, and we’re looking forward to serving you, too.



Ways To Extend The Life Of Your Car

There are many ways for you to extend the life of your car when you live in Wheat Ridge. Don’t assume that your car is going to last forever. However, with the right kind of care, it can last longer – and won’t cost you as much in repairs.

One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your car is to not run of the air-conditioning as often. It is important to know that the air conditioner is powered by the engine and therefore you don’t want to use it too frequently. If you can call your car down when it is parked, it will prevent you from having to use the air-conditioning nonstop when you are driving.

You should also clear out the junk in your trunk periodically. Too much weight in the trunk of your car can result in alignment issues and add unnecessary weight in the back, which can also cause issue with tires and brakes.

Another way to extend the life of your car as you drive in Wheat Ridge is to be conscious about the way you brake and accelerate. Erratic driving is going to cost you more money in fuel. This means it’s a good idea to focus on driving in a smoother way so that you can cut down on wind resistance as well.

Keep your car tuned, follow the maintenance schedule that is in the owner’s manual, and do what it takes to take care of your car. This will ensure it is around for many years to come and not sitting in the mechanic’s garage.

CO Insurance Specialist LLC is here to help you with all aspects of being a car owner. Call us today to learn more about auto insurance. Our agents can get quotes from multiple carriers to benefit you.


Tips To Stay Awake On The Roads

When you live in Wheat Ridge, there is a lot of traffic. In some instances, you may be driving in the snow, the rain, and various other weather elements. You need to make sure that your reaction time is as fast as possible, and you cannot do this if you all asleep at the wheel.

You may think it’s impossible to fall asleep while driving, but approximately 37% of drivers have done it. 60% have driven while they are drowsy, and these are very high percentages.

Some tips to help you stay awake while driving include:

  • Getting a good night’s sleep
  • Taking breaks when driving long distances
  • Split driving duties with someone else
  • Pull off and take a nap at a rest area

Any time that you are driving long-distance, it can be easy to fall asleep. This is because you are pushing yourself to drive more miles, and the long spans of road can lull you to sleep. Try to have someone in the car who can talk to you and keep you alert. Better yet, have a licensed driver in the car so that the two of you can trade driving responsibilities from time to time.

If you simply cannot stay awake on the road, the best tip is to not drive at all. Avoid getting behind the wheel because you never know when you could potentially fall asleep. Falling asleep is not an option. You could kill yourself or others, and it can all be avoided. Ask someone to drive you home or call a taxi – and it will lead to a safer time on the roads.

Call us at CIS today to learn about auto insurance and ensure you are well protected with an affordable policy in Wheat Ridge.



Grill Safely At Your Wheat Ridge Home

When you want to grill at your home in Wheat Ridge, it is important that you do so safely. You want to protect your home, your family, and even the homes within your neighborhood.

One of the first things that you need to do is follow all of the rules within your community. There may be regulations as to where your grill needs to be placed. As a best practice, it should be outside of your garage or screened in patio, and at least 20 feet away from the actual structure of your home.

Know the rules about your specific type of grill. For example, if you are cooking with gas always inspected the tank for rust and for leaks. You also want to make sure to turn the gas tank off once you are done grilling. If you are cooking with charcoal, understand how to light the briquettes properly and how to discard them.

Cleaning your grill is one of the most important things to do. Grease fires can easily start if there is too much caked on grease on the grates, or you have not emptied the grease trap at the bottom in a while.

If you’re grilling, safety precautions should also be taken. Be sure that there is nothing flammable in downwind of your grill. Fiery embers can easily blow and catch something on fire, such as furniture, clothing, and more. Have a fire extinguisher nearby so that you can address a fire quickly so that it doesn’t get out of control and spread to your home or anywhere else.

Always stay close to your grill once it has been lit so you can manage any issues if they arise.

Call us at CIS today to learn about how to keep your home safe and let us find quotes to get an affordable home insurance policy in Wheat Ridge, Colorado.



Insurance Partners
  • Allied
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • CNA
  • Hagerty
  • Hartford
  • Infinity
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Secura
  • State Auto
  • Travelers