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CO Insurance Specialist

6990 W. 38th Ave. #200
Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

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What Your Teen Driver Needs to Know Before Hitting the Road

With all the preparation that parents put into readying their teens for driving, perhaps the most important are the conversations had at home before any solo driving takes place. Simple conversations about what to expect, laws to obey, safety, and any questions or concerns they may have can make the difference between an accident and a driver ready for the open road.

Talk about what Colorado law states about teen driving. Make sure you and your child have an understanding of all the specific rules. By figuring it all out together, you are building a strong foundation of trust to ensure they will come to you with any uncertainty. Also make sure that your teen knows what their allowances for night driving are as well. Driving at night can be the most dangerous time for new drivers and they should slowly get used to this. Most communities have an under 18 curfew too, so you should both be aware of when they need to be in for the night.

While you want to assume that your newly legal driver will work hard to obey the laws and rules that you set out, it is highly likely that they will have a slip up or two. Work hard to build the kind of relationship with them that encourages them to turn to you in those moments. Let them know that you have their safety in mind and if the rules are violated too badly they will be without privileges until they can prove their responsibility.

By having these sometimes hard conversations with you teen driver, you are preparing them to have the best possible driving experience with a large emphasis on learning the ways of the road. It is just the very first step in a long process to adult driving. Another step you need to consider before sending them off down the road is that they are insured well under your policy. Call one of our knowledgeable agents at CO Insurance Specialist today to double check that your teens coverage is everything you need it to be.


Hacks To Get More Out Of Your Closet

Whether you have a big closet or a small closet, you probably feel as though you do not have enough room or that everything in there is a mess. You can easily fix this problem by adding a few space saving tricks into the mix. Organization is not that difficult if you have the right tools. Use our tips to get more out of your closet and start enjoying a more organized space. Contact us at CO Insurance Specialist for all of your insurance needs. 

  • Use an over the door shoe rack. One of the biggest issues in any closet is the fact that shoes take up so much room. They may be laying on the floor of your closet in a mess and taking up valuable space. You can fix this issue by using an over the door shoe rack for all of your shoes instead. It will move your shoes from the floor to the back of the door and you will have so much more space as a result.
  • Use tiered hangers. Hangers that will only house one item of clothing is a waste of space. You can only put so many hangers in your closet and if you feel as though you do not have enough room for them, consider using tiered hangers. These hangers will allow you to put a few items of clothing on them and free up a lot of space.
  • Create shelves if you do not have any. Shelves provide room for storage as well as spaces for items such as purses. If you do not already have some, take some time to get some put in so you can start using more of that valuable closet space. The space is there anyway, you just need to use it. 

Easy Ways To Jumpstart Your Spring Cleaning

Spring is the best season to start getting rid of all of the clutter you gathered in the winter months. You want to make sure to clean through the inside and outside of your home – and even perform some home maintenance.

Start a Checklist

One of the easiest things to do to jumpstart your spring cleaning chores is to start a checklist. This will make it easier to figure out what you should be doing. It can also help to save you some time by being able to delegate to various others within your household, and even by contacting various companies.

Look Outside

The outside of your home needs some TLC. You may want to look at painting the exterior of your home, raking up leaves, and even doing some gardening. Consider having someone clean out your gutters, too, especially now that the snow is gone for the year.

Look Inside

Some of these spring cleaning you want to deal on the inside may include closets. It may be best to bring everything out of the closet and then create piles – a pile for the things you want, a pile for the things you don’t want, and the file for the things you wish to donate. This will make it that much easier to get your closets in order and not put anything back inside of them that you have no use for.

As for home maintenance, you may want to call professionals in to look at:

–           HVAC system

–           Plumbing

–           Carpet cleaning

There are plenty of things that you can do during the spring, but remember, you don’t have to do them all on your own.

Contact your CO insurance specialist today to learn about home insurance in Wheat Ridge, Colorado and start exploring the various policies and rates.


Rules of the Road for Cyclists and Those Around Them

Rules For Cyclists

State law in Colorado allows for cyclists to ride single-file in the rightmost part of the road. If there is a designated bike path, then you can spread to two abreast. Never weave between vehicles, even the parked cars on the side of the road. All cyclists should review the prescribed methods of signaling their intent to turn and how to move along with traffic.

You should also check with your local county or municipality for information on additional regulations concerning the use of bicycles. For example, cyclists in Colorado can typically ride on the right-hand side of the road, but residents of more densely populated areas like Boulder will need to stick to sidewalks and designated paths.

For Drivers

Automobile operators should be familiar with the turning signals used by cyclists to accurately predict their movements. Generally speaking, drivers should treat bicycles like pedestrians who can move slightly faster and have a right to portions of the road. Even in urban areas with tighter restrictions on where bicycles can be ridden, it is a driver’s moral obligation to do everything they can to avoid an accident that will cause minor damage to their car while being potentially fatal for the cyclist. Returning to Boulder, it is a driver’s legal obligation to yield to cyclists even though bikes are also subject to tighter restrictions.

For both drivers in their cars and cyclists pedaling down the road, a CO Insurance Specialist will help protect against the financial damages that can accompany an unfortunate accident. They can also help better explain the traffic laws of your local area in a way that will give you the information necessary to make the right decision on the road for avoiding accidents.

5 Factors to Consider Before Deciding on Home Insurance

The vast majority of people are underinsured on their home, and it’s easy to see why when you consider of the many clauses, limitations and the sheer amount of information. However, staying on top of it all is your first step before you decide which insurance policy will work for you. Here are 5 factors to consider before you make a move. 

1. If You Have Expensive Taste 

Some people want expensive furniture, electronics, jewelry and art in your home, and you need to be aware of the cap on most insurance policies. You’ll likely need to buy additional coverage if you have five figures worth of objects in your home. 

2. If You Don’t Need Fancy Things 

Many homeowners may think they don’t need to protect their belongings, until they start thinking about their TV or computer. Insurance policies will only cover the property, as opposed to what’s inside the property, but most people would benefit from having coverage on their things. 

3. Floods and Earthquake Coverage 

These are events that fall outside the normal limits, but floods especially can be common and come without warning in Colorado. Water that seeps into your property can mean thousands of dollars in repairs for the homeowner. 

4. Updating Your Coverage 

If there are any major purchases or make major changes when you live in your home, you need an insurance company who will work to change your policy without hassle. 

5. Finding a Company 

Choosing an insurance company who has the experience to help you is your most important task, and CO Insurance Specialist is here to set you straight. We serve Wheat Ridge, CO, so call us if you need a quote for your home. 


Disaster Preparedness For Your Home

What is the last time you really prepare your home for a disaster? If some kind of disaster strikes, whether it is a fire, emergency evacuation, or something else, are you prepared? There are a few ways for you to take control and make sure that you have the necessary supplies.

One of the first things you need to consider is the ability to light your home. If the power goes out, you need to make sure that you are able to see everything. Forget about candles and oil lamps because they can often create a fire. It’s better to have batteries around that can be placed into flashlights and battery-operated lanterns.

Another thing you want to have is fire extinguishers. They should be placed in the kitchen as well as in the garage. If you have multiple levels to your home, you want to have an extinguisher on each level, such as one in a finished basement and one on the second floor.

If you are ever stranded inside your home and cannot leave because of bad weather, you want to make sure to have anywhere between three and five days of food inside. This includes bottled water as well as food that does not need to be heated or refrigerated. Proteins such as nuts, peanut butter, and energy bars can be helpful to keep on hand.

You should also have a first aid kit in the kitchen as well as a larger kit somewhere else in the home. This can help to take care of burns, cuts, and other issues as they happen.

Call and talk to us at CO Insurance Specialist today so we can find a homeowner’s insurance policy that will protect you against disasters and more. We can find a policy that is affordable and delivers peace of mind to you and your family in Wheat Ridge all year long.


What Kind of Commercial Insurance Do You Need?

Commercial insurance is not something that you can get without taking some time to consider all of your options. Just like there are many different kinds of businesses, there are also many different kinds of commercial insurance policies out there to meet the needs of these businesses. That is why you cannot find a policy that will meet your needs perfectly in a one-size fits all manner. To help you through this daunting process, we have included some tips to help you determine the kind of commercial insurance that you need. 

  • Take a long look at your business. There are many different components of your business that you should consider for insurance purposes. For example, if you have employees, you may want to consider a workers compensation policy. If your employees drive company vehicles, you may want to consider a commercial auto policy. When you take the time to look at your business and the way it operates, then you can really get a good idea of what you need in a commercial insurance policy.
  • Try to find a policy that will bundle all of your insurance needs. This is a great way to get a cheaper rate for your insurance and you would be surprised by how many companies would do this. 
  • Talk with a professional. Even if you look your business from an insurance standpoint, it can be difficult to see everything you need since you are not trained in insurance. Be sure to talk to a professional to see what you may have missed and for further ideas to protect your company.

If you would like some further assistance with your search, contact us today at CO Insurance Specialist. We can help you figure out what you need and then find you a policy that meets those needs perfectly. 

Don’t Let Your Motorcycle Get Stolen

Your motorcycle is important to you. Almost a part of the family. So, it’s essential that you know how to protect it when you can’t be near. Here are some tips on how to do just that. Did you know that most motorcycle theft occurs when the ignition shuts off, but is not locked? Lock your ignition. It gives the criminal another step in his process and might make the difference.

Whenever you can, lock your bike to a stationary object that cannot be taken apart. A light pole is a great example. This will deter the thief who is looking for the easy score. Give the criminal as many reasons as you can to not steal the bike. Do you travel with other motorcycle enthusiasts? If so, think about locking your bikes together. This involves forward thinking and thieves do not want any part of that. Criminals do not like people who can think for themselves.

Can you find a security camera when you’ve stopped for the night at a hotel? Start doing this. Usually those areas are well lit and if your bike is tampered with you will have video evidence to help catch the criminal.

Where is the bike’s title kept? Do not keep it in the compartment used for storage on the bike, or any other place that a criminal can get to if you are not there. Keep it off the bike.

Place an exclusive mark on the bike and take photos. The police will have a much easier time of identifying your bike because of this.

When attending a public event, check your bike every once in a while, especially after you have just gotten off. Thieves know that this is prime time for a crime because the rider rarely comes back to check.

Your CO Insurance Specialist has motorcycle coverage especially for you. Give them a call to see what plan is best.

Renter’s Guide To Renovations

As a renter, you want your home to look its best. There may be some renovations you have in mind. Since you are renting the property, it’s not quite as easy as going to the store and picking out what you want and getting started on the DIY repairs.

First things first. You have to talk to your landlord to find out what you can do. They may not be ready to hand over their property without knowing everything that you are going to do. They may want to see colors, sample swatches, and everything else to make sure that whatever you do is going to add value to the property.

Any time that the landlord allows you to make major renovations, get it in writing. This will help to protect you in the event that they forget about the conversation the two of you had.

Check some of the local laws to see what a landlord’s responsibility is. If your floors or walls are not in good condition, they may be required to make some of the repairs.

If you are looking to make permanent renovations, you may want to get a little creative with artwork and the way you decorate. They make peel and stick tiles that can be removed at any time, which can be used to redo your floor as well as create a cool backsplash. You can upgrade lighting, and a fresh coat of paint to the walls, and possibly even cabinets.

Hang art on the walls, use area rugs throughout the house, and generally look at fun ways to beautify your home in Wheat Ridge.

Are you renting property? Let CO Insurance Specialist talk to you about renter’s insurance and the many benefits that exist when you have the right coverage.



Choosing a Wheat Ridge, CO Independent Insurance Agent

Whether you’ve lived in Wheat Ridge, CO for a long time or you’re new to the area, you’re going to need insurance. Homeowners, renters, auto, life, and more can all be covered, but you want to make sure you’re paying a fair amount for your coverage and getting it from a company and an agent you feel comfortable with. One of the best ways to do that is to work with an independent insurance agent. They can help you get the coverage you need for a price you’re happy with and give you peace of mind in knowing you have the best insurance for your needs.

Independent insurance agents work with several different companies, so they can check the rates from all of those companies quickly and give you the information you can use to select the right policy for you. Your insurance agent can also give you advice about the policies and the companies offered, so you can decide based on more than just the cost of the coverage. While cost does matter when it comes to choosing insurance policies, it’s not the only consideration you want to address.

The reputation of the insurance company, how well they pay claims, and what kind of coverage options they have for you are all important, and all things you want to take a look at when you’re deciding on insurance coverage. With CO Insurance Specialist, you can get the Wheat Ridge coverage you need and feel confident in your choices. It’s always nice to have an independent insurance agent on your side, and one that you can talk to about your coverage and options as your needs change. New cars, a change of homes, a new baby, and all kinds of other things can mean making changes to insurance, and that can be easier through an independent agent.

Insurance Partners
  • Allied
  • Auto Owners
  • Bristol West
  • CNA
  • Hagerty
  • Hartford
  • Infinity
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Secura
  • State Auto
  • Travelers